The Social Action Committee coordinates and keep Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter members informed and actively involved in addressing critical issues confronting our communities both socially and politically.
Traditional activities include voter registration, voter information and forums, and education regarding pending legislation. Annually, the Social Action Committee coordinates Chapter participation in the “Delta Days at the Capitol,” both in Raleigh and Washington D.C.
Our CHCAA Sorors Take Action in 2016-2018:
- Chapter members participated in Women’s Marches (January 2017)
- Sponsored the “Women Running for Public Office” forum (January 2017 and January 2018)
- Over 50% of our chapter members voted on the first day of early voting in the 2016 general election (November 2016)
- Chapter members attended Delta Days in DC and Raleigh
- Chapter hosted and participated in the Divine 9 NC Legislative Days (2017 and 2018)
- Conducted social media campaign to “Get Out the Vote” (September-November 2016-2018)
- Coordinated “Get Out the Vote” phone-a-thons each Saturday leading up to elections (September – November 2016-2018)