September is National Childhood Obesity, Sickle Cell & Peripheral Artery Disease Awareness Month
Childhood Obesity
While there have been significant declines in the prevalence of childhood obesity, the rates among communities of color are still too high. This is particularly important for Durham County as a recent study showed that our community ranked 52nd and 75th among the other North Carolina counties for overweight and obesity, respectively. As we know that healthy children are more likely to be healthy adults, a recent report of 30% of students in Durham Public Schools reported as overweight or obese is reassuring compared to the 65% of Durham County adults. However, we must continue to encourage and support families to continue to instill healthy habits into their home culture to sustain and improve these trends.
Dr. Matthew Brothers, pediatric cardiologist at Novant Health Pediatric Cardiology in Charlotte, NC says, “There are several ways to incorporate healthier eating habits and physical activity to your family’s daily routine. The easiest change is to remove beverages with sugar from routine consumption. Make water your family’s drink of choice. Another change is to play every day. The entire family should try to break a sweat at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes or more. Finally, fill at least half of your plate each meal and replace snacks with sources of healthy fats (nuts and fruits, and vegetables”.
Sickle Cell Awareness Events
Be informed and get inspired at the Bridges Pointe sickle cell breakfast on September 16, 2017 at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2620 Weaver St., Durham, NC. Time 9:00am; $15.00 Donation.
To volunteer and support this Sickle Cell cause, Contact: DURHAM Chapter of SCDAA – Bridges Pointe, Inc – 800 N Mangum Street, Suite 103 – Durham NC 27701. Phone Numbers : 919 680 3059; 919 450 5683
Peripheral Artery Disease {PAD}
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs especially legs. When you develop PAD, your extremities (usually your legs) don’t receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand. African Americans are more than twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to suffer from PAD. Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD effects the health of millions of older American and at least a quarter of those over 70 years of age. Many older people with PAD have difficulty walking and some may suffer from foot ulcers or infections. People with PAD have a greater risk of stroke and heart attack but these risks can be reduced if PAD is diagnosed early.
Screenings include:
• Cholesterol (Total and HDL/Total Ratio)
• Blood Pressure
• BMI with height, weight, waist circumference measurement
• ABI or ankle brachial index with a simple Doopler exam to accurately measure blood flow to the feet and legs
Who Should be Screened?
People over 50, especially those with chronic conditions that place them at higher risk including:
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• High blood cholesterol
• Smoking
• Diabetes
• Family history of vascular disease
• Previous heart attack or leg treatments
• Prior Stroke
Remember your ABC’s
A– Ask your doctor about screening for cancer, sickle cell, peripheral artery disease
B– Be physically active at all ages
C– Choose to avoid tobacco