The Chapel Hill Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has a new program called EMBODI – Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence. EMBODI’s mission is to collaborate efforts and support with other major organizations in our communities to improve the quality of life for African American males.
Both informal and empirical data suggests that the vast majority of African-American males continue to be in crisis and are not reaching their fullest potential educationally, socially and emotionally. EMBODI is designed to address these issues through dialogue and recommendations for change and action, using the 5-Point Program of Delta Sigma Theta:
✓ Physical & Mental Health
✓ Educational Development
✓ Economic Development
✓ International Awareness & Involvement
✓ Political Awareness & Involvement
EMBODI will meet once a month, with the day and time subject to the activity planned. Activities may include a “Microsoft Bootcamp” technology workshop, seminar on how to apply for scholarships to college, community service activities, panel discussion with male business owners, and others. Our first activity will be in February 2019 with more details to follow.
EMBODI is seeking young males, ages 14 through 18, to participate in activities and service projects that support the 5-Point program mentioned above. We are soliciting your help in identifying young males who would benefit from the program, and an interest in participating. Please send the following information:
Participant name, Age, Contact information (email/ phone)
Parent/Guardian’s name, Contact information (email/ phone), Relationship to participant
Please send participant recruitment information or any questions to Soror Alison A.T. Brown, Chair, EMBODI, at